Diseases, the impact on the intimate sphere of life, afraid of all the representatives of the stronger sex. To hear these complaints, and Prostatitis, beating a man almost the age of each. The risk of pathology in the fact that they are of the acute Phase is able to quickly chronic. It is therefore very important to prevention of Prostatitis is. This measure helps to keep in the group of risk, your health, and already with the disease — do not allow your aggravation.

Characteristics of the disease and its symptoms.
Prostatitis refers to an inflammation of the prostate or prostate cancer. This body plays an essential role in the male body by several tasks at once. The prostate takes an active role in the processes of ejaculation and urination, but also protects against various infections. Therefore, as a result of his defeat of the whole urinary System suffers. The cause of the inflammation can be as pathogenic micro-organisms into the prostate through the urethra and Stagnation in the pelvic area. Often the impetus for the development of the disease, excessive is is under cooling. This pathology is acute and chronic. If all of the symptoms of the acute Form of the disease is expressed quite bright to recognize in chronic Phase of severe illness, since your symptoms are more smoothed. Here, the characteristic of Prostatitis symptoms are:
- The pain sensations. Occur in the Penis, in the adjacent area, the scrotum, around the Anus, lower back or abdomen during ejaculation and after Sex.
- Problems with urination. Are urge, a burning sensation and pain during the entire process, as well as frequent urine on the toilet.
- The appearance of the secretions from the urethra in the Form of a thick liquid.
- Violation of potency.

To avoid such problems, it is easier to try to warn, Prostatitis, instead of spending time and money for his treatment.
Risk factors
Prostatitis — the insidious disease, the in men aged 25 to 50 years. Sometimes the 20-year-old boy suffer. Development of the pathology factors that contribute:
- irregular sexual life or their absence;
- Sex with untrusted partners without the use of means of contraception;
- lack of physical activity;
- weakened immunity;
- chronic Stress;
- frequent sub-cooling of the organs of the small pelvis;
- Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.
There are a number of professions whose representatives have a much greater Chance of inflammation of the prostate gland, which is associated with the working conditions in certain areas.
At risk are the following people:
- People with sedentary work;
- Driver;
- those who work in adverse weather conditions. For example, builders, geologists, etc.
Preventive Measures

Prevention of the inflammation of the prostate may be primary or secondary. The first type aims to prevention of Prostatitis, and the second — on the prevention of new attacks of the disease in its chronic Form. These activities consist of a whole complex of actions, the execution of which involves the reduction of the risk of the occurrence of the disease or alleviation of its currents.
Lifestyle change
To reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of the disease, it is recommended to get rid of such harmful habits as alcohol consumption and Smoking. And if alcohol in small doses does not lead to a great harm to the body, the worth of cigarettes all the time. This habit helps to slow down the blood circulation in all organs, including in the pelvic area, which ultimately leads to a noticeable lack of oxygen in the tissues of the prostate gland and worsens your condition. In addition, the Smoking of the outflow of venous blood breaks down and leads to the formation of edema and Stagnation of lymph. It is also very important to pay attention to proper nutrition, and those that moved little over the course of a day, increase physical activity. Very useful to begin or end the day with a cold shower. It increases the blood circulation in the prostate and other organs of the small pelvis, and in addition, strengthen the immune system.
Physical Activity
An active life-style yourself homeopathy a positive effect on the whole body and is a good prevention of Prostatitis. This is due to the fact that the physical activity does not stagnate blood and saturate tissues with oxygen. Especially, such a way of life is important, who with sedentary work. For the increase in physical activity you can engage in sports, start, perform a certain number of exercises or simply more time for Hiking. The most suitable sports for the prevention of the disease than the walking, all kinds of feet, as well as all kinds of sports games, which do not lead to hypothermia and excessive physical overstrain. When the disease passed into a chronic stage, you should stop weight lifting, swimming in cold waters, and Cycling. About the exercises, what is the most efficient recognised the following types of:

- slowly proprietary led out in an amount of 5-8 pieces;
- "Birch";
- "Bicycle";
- lifting the pelvis from the supine position with bent legs at the knees. It is recommended not to keep the pelvis in the upper Position less than 3-5 seconds, and all at once, you should be 6-8 reps.
Proven and preventive use of Kegel exercises. They strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and Anus, as well as provide the necessary blood flow to the prostate. In the initial phase of the practice is recommended, urination, restraining motschewuju beam on for 3-4 seconds, repeat the action 5-7 times in a row. Once it's clear, which is to train for muscle strains exercise, and in other conditions.
Sex life
To protect themselves from disease, to have Sex regularly, then there are no less than 1-2 times a week. To do this with the constant sexual partner, otherwise men have to start inflammation can it is recommended because of the frequent exchange of micro-flora. If an intimate relationship is missing in the prostate gland gradually with a special secret and decomposition products, not find the exit, and in the future lead to disease. Homeopathically a positive impact on male health and strong contraction of the muscles of the small pelvis during ejaculation. The best way to prevent the development of infectious Prostatitis the mandatory use of condoms during Sex with untested Partner. To avoid the best frequent partner exchange. This is to prevent the likelihood of infection. If the sexual life, man can Masturbation help. Of course, Sex does not replace, but maintaining the health of help. This is especially true for those who exceeded the 40-year mark.

Food law
A balanced diet is another means for the prevention of disease. The daily diet should be formulated to meet the following requirements:
- avoid irritation of the prostate gland;
- improve the flow of blood in the Organ and the adjacent area and provide the gland with nutrients necessary;
- to exclude the possibility of the development of atherosclerosis;
- avoid constipation and disorders of the microflora of the digestive tract;
- the body's immune system to strengthen.
To achieve these goals, helps to reduce the consumption of animal fats, salt, canned food and fast Food and fried foods. Better time, less fat meat, do not forget about fish and seafood, the increase in the share of Can, fruit, and herbs, as well as try steamed or in the oven.
The daily diet should such substances include, such as:
- Vitamins of groups A, C, E. the defenses of the body strengthen help, so that he against viruses and bacteria. With vitamins, to take you to special, complex, but the best choice, the products with their high content.
- Zinc. Contributes to the reduction of inflammatory processes, to produce the homeopathically a positive effect on the potency and helps progesterone protects the prostate gland from the occurrence of pathologies. This Element contains the cucurbits and water melon seeds, beef liver, lamb, chocolate.
- Selenium. Improves sexual function, fights inflammation, has a immune modulating effect. Find it in eggs, corn, beans, almond and walnuts, fish and seafood.

Prostate Massage
This effect on the prostate is usually prescribed to patients with chronic Prostatitis, but can also be used prophylactically. The Massage should is a specialist, and his essence back go from a in the Stimulation of the prostate through the rectum. One of these Massage session lasts for less than 1 Minute, and the course consists of a 8 to 10 sessions that you can do once in 3 days. The main objective of the effect on the body consists of a in the secretion of him stagnating in secret, together with the pathogenic micro-flora. This happens at the end of each session in the Form of spontaneous ejaculation. If this does not happen, you should urinate the Patient. Then the mystery with the urine. Massage is contraindicated in the presence in the gland of tumors of any kind, as well as accumulation of stones in the channels and in the case of the bacterial Form of the disease. If the Patient is very severe pain, the effects on the body should be abolished.
Medicines and food supplements
For the prevention of Prostatitis medicines in different forms. Among them, pills, suppositories, capsules and injections. In General, the same types of drugs, the use in the treatment of diseases. The difference consists only in the control of your shot, which the doctor must prescribe. The most effective pills are considered to be a Boring, kills harmful bacteria, relieves the tension of the smooth muscle of the prostate, but it is also a good anti-inflammatory agent. Rid body of edema helps. Speaking of candlelight, then you should pay attention to you. In any case, you must be sure to consult with a doctor. What relates to dietary supplements, the know far enough in the market, you need that in the presence of the disease, they should be used only in combination with medication, if not a complete cure should not count. But it is a good prophylaxis. Here are the most common properties of drugs are:
- Holistic, homeopath, improves the body, the blood circulation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and fight with the urine.
- Resolves problems associated with the urinary system and reproductive functions, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
- Correct pain can swelling during intercourse, relieve and inflammation and improve the metabolism of the affected organ.
Visits to the doctor

In order to remain healthy longer, to visit the doctor-urologa a healthy person should be at least 1 time per year. To do after 40 years of annual ultrasound of the prostate is recommended. If the disease is a chronic Form, after the prescribed treatment asked need to be once in 3 months within the first year, and then the following 3 years every 6 months to be checked. In the case of the detection of at least one Symptom of the disease a visit to the doctor should not be delayed. This will help to defeat the disease faster, and prevent the transition into chronic stage.
Traditional Methods
To be used for the prevention of disease in the home, and the people's recipes. Completely replace the treatment should be non - traditional medicine is not a panacea. Pay attention to the following methods:
- The consumption of 25-30 pumpkin seeds on an empty stomach every day.
- Brew instead of tea shell of the chestnut.
- Drink 1 tablespoon of elderberry juice before meals three times a day.
The treatment and the prophylaxis of Prostatitis — important dates for every man. How would it sound, but the Prostatitis is not a sentence. This disease can heal and should. You have no fear of such diseases - the main thing is not to give up, and the head, this disease will not start.